
The unborn are distinct, living, and whole human beings. There are no essential differences between the embryo you once were and the adult you are today that justify killing you at that earlier stage of development.

Differences in size, level of development, environment, or degree of dependency are not logical reasons to say you could be killed then but not now.

God made man in His own image. This gives each person value, no matter how small.

God calls us to protect the innocent and helpless: “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all those who are destitute.”

We are called to defend the truth: ”always be prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for the hope that is in you, yet do it with gentleness and respect.”

We are called to destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God.


Our ministry exists to speak up for the unborn.

  • An estimated 56 million abortions are performed annually worldwide.
  • One million abortions have been performed annually in the US since 1973.
  • Nationwide 1 in 4 pregnancies end in abortion.
  • The highest abortion rate is found among 16-24 year olds.

Our ministry focuses on equipping this next generation with the conviction necessary to make a case for life that changes hearts and minds.

When Christian students head off to college they need good reasons for believing the pro-life view before they take heat defending it. We want to give these students the tools they need to stand up for life in a secular environment.


  • We give live presentations in schools, universities, youth gatherings, and churches.
  • We take advantage of various media outlets for interviews and discussions.
  • We speak at pregnancy center banquets to help raise their much needed financial support, while equipping and motivating their donors.
  • We publish articles.
  • We use internet tools and networks to reach our audience.


We teach students the nature of moral reasoning, differentiating between subjective and objective truth claims.

We simplify the abortion debate by asking “What is the unborn?”

We clarify the case for life by defending the pro-life argument with science and philosophy.

We give the students tactics when responding to hard questions.

Though our arguments are rooted in science and philosophy, the gospel of Jesus Christ is central to our presentations and our goals, as it is the means by which the suffering, guilt and division caused by this issue are healed and people restored.


We see measurable success through the feedback we receive.

Changed minds: People who used to be for abortion now protect the unborn.

Equipped students: Students leave the presentation knowing how to defend their pro-life view in one minute or less.

Confident students: Students get a good dose of confidence from learning their views are true and reasonable to believe.

Freedom from guilt and shame for those who have turned to Christ for salvation

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